Ticket to Whistler. Check.
Breakfast. Check.
Wandered about in Vancouver this morning, waiting for the fog to burn off. Looked at Stanley Park (couldn't find Stanley - probably away doing unprintable things to the ducks.) Ate breakfast in a wonderfully down-at-heel establishment called Teresa's Cafe on Denman Street. Made a half-hearted attempt to find the shopping district, ended up sitting on the waterside, reading about Che Guevera's trip around South America on a motorcycle. I wonder if he had problems finding the shops too?
Vancouver also appears to be the land of the unsecured wireless accesspoint. Last night I made use of the tiresomely dull 'linksys' and 'netgear' accesspoints. This comes to you thanks to the generosity of the more naughty sounding 'randyport'
I've also been using my solitary time for replaying the christmas events. Aside from christmas morning, its pretty good; I had First-Born on christmas day from lunch onwards and all day boxing day. What I can't work out is why The Ex didn't want her around on either of those days. And while FB was with The Ex on christmas morning, I gather Santa did not come. No stocking of presents. Which is surely the whole point of christmas morning with a kid, isn't it? Odd. Very odd.
Time to take Bondage Bear (henceforth to be called 'BiBi') to a really seedy looking bar. She likes those.