Thursday, June 02, 2005

Some Things Never Change

Where you have a theme park, you have queues. Where you have queues, you have bored and restless children. And First-Born with her nose in a book, demonstrating her patented queuing technique.

Legoland hasn't improved from last year. The sign is a bit rustier. The rides are a bit tackier. The queues are a bit longer. The ticket prices are a bit higher. I really can't see what FB sees in the place; it really is very poor. Possibly the fact that she's taller than most of the other children in attendance (mainly pre-schoolers). I can't work out what else it could be.

And yet she loves it. They give out 'attaboy' leaflets that you're supposed to hand over to a member of staff when they're marginally less sullen than usual (or 'done a GREAT job!' in Lego's corporate doublespeak). FB gave her's to me with a 'best Dad in the world' written on it in her spikey handwriting.

By the end of the day, FB was all funned out... so all together now...
