Today I designed an icon. It is a small icon. The sort of thing you'd squint at on one of the tree-folder things so beloved of graphical computer applications, trying to work out if its supposed to represent a document or just where someone's sneezed on the screen.
This icon is supposed to represent the running of a simulation and so I've named it 'Go'. It has two sizes, and our process dictates I must have two icon files. One for each icon, and the file should be suffixed with '-small' and '-large'.
Thus I have created an icon called 'Go-large'. Such is my excitement with this name, that I've spent the last 30 minutes scooting about the office saying things "Ah'm goin' LARGE" or "Ah'm 'avin it LARGE" in a cockney accent that would make even Dick Van Dyke wince.
I know I've had exactly 9 hours sleep in the last 4 days, but thats really no excuse.
Somebody shoot me. Please.