Monday, May 09, 2005

Office Politicking

"There's no 'me' in team!" exhorted the consultant.
"Yes there is," replied a co-worker, "There's a 'M' and an 'E' - that makes 'me'"

Other co-workers nodded their agreement with mutterings of "He's right, you know" and "How much are we paying this guy?" and "Is it time for a break? Only I'm dying for a cup of tea"

The consultant looked a little flustered, so the co-worker continued kindly: "I think you meant no 'I' in 'team' - that would make more sense."

"Albeit not much" he continued in clearly audible mutter.

Somebody else, who'd clearly thought about this a lot continued: "You could represent our software leasing agreements with a 'To Let' sign, and indicate that achieving success in this arena can only be done for teamwork. Thusly, "There is no 'I' in 'To Let' because that would make 'Toilet' which is frequently full of sh-"

"Shall we take a break?" interupted the consultant brightly.

Ricky Gervais is not a genius. He's just very good at writing down what really happens in the office environment.

I'm currently at the mercy of management handbooks. One chap stared at me for a good 5 minutes before saying "Hmmm, I can't work out if you're a banana or a fish." The last time I heard someone say that was after they'd taken some prescription medication and was shortly followed by "Aaaargh - the spiders! The spiders!" It appears that the same effect can be achieved by reading a book of management bollocks instead.