I was in town, collecting a new set of keys for my flat. I am about to acquire a cleaner (I've missed being woken up from nights of excess by kindly faced old ladies garbed in marigolds and overalls.)
As I crossed the road, I noted a poster for an upcoming pantomime entitled: "Cinderella: Worthing's Laughter Panto"
Taking the sheer horror of pantomime out of the equation for a moment, I pondered why one needs to advertise such a show as "Laughter". I mean, you're hardly going to think, "Hmmm, where shall I take the kids this christmas? Oh, I know - how about 'Gulag, The Musical' - that should be a giggle."
And yes, I have a bit of a downer on pantomimes. An afternoon surrounded by children in various states of lavatorial distress while Z-list celebrities prance about the stage in drag is not my idea of a good time.