I don't watch a lot of broadcast TV. I watch films. I listen to radio. I read books. However, last night I did turn on the idiot box; there was something I wanted to watch. A friend had been involved in the making of a documentary, and loyal chap that I am I duly sat down to see what he'd done. Or at least to whom he'd been serving coffee (or whatever the heck it actually is he does)
It was a BBC documentary about the construction of Auschwitz.
By the end of it I felt physically sick. And this was only part 1.
The nausea was accompanied by a deep and irrational rage. Not at the horror committed 60 years ago, but at the fact that not enough people would have seen this programme. Most people would have watched an abomination called "Celebrity Big Brother" on the other channel and be talking about Z-list celebrities desperately trying to breath life into dead careers.
Using the blandness spewing from their televisions as a shield against the ghastliness of the world.
Sometimes I want to stand in the street and shout WAKE UP.
Rant over.