Tuesday, January 25, 2005


My schedule for the next two weeks:

25/Jan - Collect shiny new car
26/Jan - ask physio out for a date
27/Jan - first date with L
28/Jan - adventures in London with A
29/Jan - continuing adventures in London with A
30/Jan - first date with J
31/Jan -
01/Feb - first date with B
02/Feb - preparing for skiing
03/Feb - in transit
04/Feb - skiing in France
05/Feb - skiing in France
06/Feb - skiing in France
07/Feb - skiing in France
08/Feb - in transit

The Bear is quite jealous because I've barred her from coming on first dates since she might give the wrong impression (she's a very friendly bear, but a bit of an extrovert.) She's also barred from the London trip as I'm staying somewhere that would frown upon such frivolity - somewhere where I have to wear a suit and tie. Hopefully I'll be allowed to remove them before bed.

So the first outting for The Bear will be to meet the French while I fall over in the snow.

I appear to be a busy boy...