Thursday, January 06, 2005
The Polar Bear Club
Ok, so I entirely failed to do the whole Polar Bear thing. The Bear did. She stood amongst the snow, sand and sea as the water washed over her and fixed me with a disapproving stare.
It would seem I've brought the snow back from Whistler. Vancouver is covered in the white stuff, and I'm gratified to note that the car drivers here are about as bad as their UK counterparts when it comes to sudden snowy conditions.
The taxi from the bus drop-off to the hotel was particularly impressive - I thanked the lord for ABS while the driver muttered curses in some asian dialect as his wheels repeatedly locked up in the slush.
The Bear and I took a stroll along the beach, marvelling at the difference a week makes. This was the scene a mere week ago, and now...
I paddled in the freezing water for a while for no particular reason and enjoyed the surreality of a beach with palm trees covered in snow. The Bear made a new friend in a bar while I drank cocktails and explained The Bear's mission - to see the world...
...and then it was time to return to the hotel where it would seem I've been gifted the best room - a corner on the top floor with 5 windows looking out over the bay. And a bath that has a plug. And boy, do I need that hot bath right now.