Friday, January 07, 2005

The End

No, not the end of the journal. Just the end of this particular adventure. Assuming I make it to the airport and the plane isn't too badly delayed. Otherwise I may be back...

I could really have used another 2 weeks. Maybe 4. Perhaps 8. But there you go.

I learnt some stuff. I learnt that I really, really like Canada. So much so that I'd like to live here. I learnt that people you meet on-line are usually even nicer in the flesh. I learnt that strangers can be generous and wierd in equal measure. And I learnt that I really don't want to go home.

If all goes to plan, I'll be back on-line tomorrow with tales of Lufthansa's elderly airbuses, the soulessness of Frankfurt airport and a tearful reunion with First-Born. But for now, thank you. You know who you are.