So I signed up with an internet dating agency. At the very least it'll provide some journal-worthy stories. Surprisingly (compared to my last flirtation with the world of on-line dating) there has been quite a number of interested emails (although not a patch on the onslaught that occurred after the whole Yassar Arafat thing - but that was perhaps a different type of interest)
While most generally consist of "I like films, eating out and blinking - what do you like?" one appeared today that simply said:
"you look sexy are you"
No punctuation. That was it. I'm intrigued; is the individual saying my appearance is pleasing and querying if this is genuinely the case? Or could I be about to take Yoda out on a date?
Sadly I'm unlikely to know. Anyone who uploads a photo and then actually writes in their "Why I'm great" section: "Yeah - that photo isn't really of me" is probably a) a nutcase or b) a man in drag. Or both.