So, Condoleezza Rice, impending secretary of state for the US and person whose name sounds like something I'd buy in a supermarket, has come up with another 3 word phrase to describe countries that she and GW don't like. Doubtless Tony Blair will shortly be along to agree like the cute little nodding dog he is.
"Outposts of Tyranny"
I'm trying to work out if its an improvement over "Axis of Evil" or not.
They really need to publish a glossary of terms:
"Axis of Evil" - countries we don't like that have oil or an oil pipeline and so are in need of liberation.
"Outposts of Tyranny" - countries we don't like that *don't* have oil or an oil pipeline about which we will wring our hands for a few minutes before changing channels on the television.
"Allies" - countries we do like, but whose citizens we will subject to gruelling 3 hour immigration sessions at our airports with finger-printing, iris scanning and something invasive involving a metal rod that Dick Cheney came up with while watching a short movie he downloaded from that interweb thingy.
"Everybody Else" - Fuck 'em. Unless they got hit by a big wave, in which case we'll promise lots of aid, but never actually deliver it (relying on the public to either make the donations themselves or get bored and change channels on the television.)
A somewhat cynical and simplistic interpretation of US and UK policy, I know. I'm just so tired of the posturing and the sound-bites.
I'm going to start a campaign for electoral reform, in the UK at least. In the next General Election (imminent) I want to see an additional line on the ballot card: "None Of The Above". So I can choose to say "I don't like any of you. In fact, some of you I suspect of having carnal relations with puppies" rather than simply not vote at all. And if "None Of The Above" wins the election, then it has to be run again with different people.
I'm not quite sure what brought all this on. I've overdosed on sound-bites...