So I picked up a book and over the course of the afternoon and evening I read. I put on some light reggae in the background, hopeful that that bass would do bad things to the hangovers of my neighbours (more on that later), sprawled on the sofa and read until it was too dark to see the writing and I had to put on a light.
Oh, and I also managed to eat an entire jar of pickled onions. This, and a couple of oranges, constitute my entire food intake for the day. This is one of the benefits of sleeping alone.
Before I retire for the evening, I'd like to draw your attention to the picture below. It is of the Renault Megane.

Renault have spent a not inconsiderable amount of money on an advert for this vehicle that has been playing in cinemas, on television, anywhere. It features a song, the lyrics of which are "I see you baby, shakin' that ass" along with film snippets of pert bottoms gyrating in time to the music.
Now. Look at the picture of that car again. What is the oddest thing about it? Could it be the bizarrely shaped back of the thing? Or, as a friend delicately put it, "Man, that car has a fat arse..." It is surely the one aspect that one would wish *not* to draw attention to. Although it does at least prove the French have a sense of humour.