Sunday was The Ex's birthday. For those who are interested, she's now 41 (and looks much older - the last 12 months have not been kind. Possibly this was one of the reasons why she selected a blind man to be partner-for-life and swapped out yours truly. Bitter? Moi?)
I got a call from The Boyfriend on Friday night - could I help First-Born select a suitable birthday present and card for The Ex? Naturally, and in my usual amicable way, I agreed.
Oh, the opportunity for naughtiness. One particular mischief-maker suggested that First-Born ought to give The Ex a card saying "Your present is in the same place as my christmas stocking from Santa" which, while appealing, felt like I'd be using First-Born to get at The Ex.
It didn't stop me speculating on suitable gifts. An Alcoholics Anonymous gift pack, maybe. Perhaps a tub of lard. Or a cheeky little weekend for two at the Baghdad Holiday Inn.
First-Born, as ever, trumped me. I suggested getting some beauty products or similar. She shook her head and selected a cheap pair of scratchy brown socks, because: "She's always moaning that her feet are cold."
Thats my girl.