Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Well, That Was A New Experience


Needles don't actually bother me in the slightest. And I've never had acupuncture before, so when the physio suggested it (as part of the grand plan to get me on the ski slopes in exactly one month's time) I was intrigued.

She adopted the usual bedside manner preferred by the medicos at this particular hospital:

"Will it hurt?"
"No. Yes. Well, it might a bit..."
"Can anything go wrong?"
"Oh no. Well, a needle might break, and then I'll have to call someone to make an incision and extract it. But thats never happened to me before. Not yet, at any rate. Happened to Bob last week though. My, how we laughed..."

And so on. It was the same with the MRI scan (which, for those who don't know, uses powerful magnets to build up a tissue map of the body)

"Do you have any piercings or metal objects within or attached to your body?"
"No. Why?"
"Because of the magnets. There might be... problems."
"What? You mean the magnets are strong enough to..." (tails off with images of Aliens bursting forth from chests)
"Oh, thats never happened sir. Not in this country. Not yet, at any rate..."

I swear they just like messing with my mind.

I didn't ask the physio for a drink. There is a reason. I'll be back later with an explanation.