Monday, December 13, 2004


Someone remarked on the eroticism of music a while ago.

Doesn't do it for me (unless you count 'Rubber Ducky', but thats between me, Bert and Ernie, ok?) but I do have 'theme tunes' where I'll find myself humming a certain segment from a piece of music depending on the occasion.

Skiing generally calls for various James Bond-type 'chase' music from the Connery films. If I'm gloomy, I hum Bill Murray's tune from Stripes, or possibly the LM theme from Spider. And so it goes on.

Oh, and the stitches came out today. Took 2 doctors, 1 nurse, a magnifying glass, 1 HUGE hypodermic and 2 hours. Fun fun fun! I have photos if anyone's interested...

...and First-Born came round yesterday. She didn't want to go back with The Ex and wouldn't let go of me. Of course, she had to go. To allow oneself to be dictated to by a child is the start of a slippery slope. But it took an immense effort of will to extricate her and hand her over. And I feel like a bastard.