Monday, January 10, 2005

Chariots Of Fire

Tonight I see the physio for what she cheerily described as a 'damage assessment' following the skiing trip. Tediously, I actually feel very good after hitting the mountain - maybe all that motion has actually helped rather than hindered the healing process. Or maybe this is the calm before the storm.

Either way, I also intend to get my driving licence back on the basis that if my leg works well enough to push me off the top of a mountain, it'll certainly be sufficient to grind the accelerator pedal of a car into the floor.

If the physio gives me the green light to start driving, I'll have the joy of selecting a new car. My colleagues at work have rather unkindly suggested that this would be an appropriate mode of transport.

A three wheeled, plastic invalid car. Actually, it rather appeals to me. I can remember seeing lots of these sky-blue chariots of fire rumbling around the streets and with a little bit of 'bling' it could be rendered very 'street', as I believe young people say these days.

I like to keep it 'real', you see.

Sadly, on further investigation is appears that these wonderful vehicles have recently been banned from the road. In fact, reading in more detail, it seems that it is actually illegal to own one. The mind boggles. I can understand how it could be illegal to own a missile launcher, but a 3 wheeled plastic invalid carriage? Seems a little extreme. Unless... these aren't what they appear. Could they actually be concealed weapons? Folding out to reveal a launcher capable of dispensing death within 45 minutes rather than an elderly lady who smells faintly of wee and insists she knew Winston Churchill?

Maybe these are the mythical Iraqi WMDs (Women with Massive Diapers.) Is it a coincidence that they disappeared from Britain's roads at the same time the Iraq war kicked off? Perhaps Saddam Hussein has them stockpiled somewhere... the inva-cars. Not the old ladies.