Friday, July 23, 2004

Career Advice

My memory is really bad.  It goes back about 18 years and then gets really hazy.  Possibly the result of all the brain cells I've been killing of late.

However, I do remember careers advice given by the headmaster of the catholic junior school I went to when I was 8.  It was this: "Study hard, or you'll end up sweeping the streets"

So I did.  I'm paid more than I ever dreamt was possible.  I  get to make other people's lives difficult on a regular basis.  I even have an office with a window and a choice of decoration.

Sometimes I never actually see the sun.

The street sweepers and dustmen, however, work outdoors in the sun.  They laugh and joke as they walk along the streets.  They make a difference to people's lives and, to be honest, we'd be screwed if they weren't there.

Yeah, who was smarter?