Tuesday, July 20, 2004

From The Department Of Prevarication

I'm recruiting some people for my team.  After wading through dozens of absolutely identical resumes I've begun to select people for interview based on the following criteria:
* Do they list "going to the pub" as a hobby? (if teetotal, do they list "driving other people to the pub" as a hobby?)
* Does their name rhyme with, or (better still) sound like a rude word?
* Have they done something unusual?
So, a chap called Willie McPhuckerson who spent his formative years on a unicycle juggling sharks in between trips to the pub to buy his friends beer would be a sure hire.
Hey - it beats my usual method when faced with this dilemma.  Cover the wall with the resumes and throw three darts while blindfolded.  It was doing that that led to me needing to hire more people in the first place.  Using a harpoon instead of a dart was possibly not a good idea.