Friday, July 09, 2004

What Idiot...

...came up with the idea of using plastic to make utensils that are likely to be used in a frying pan?

I mean, the business end is all stainless steel, but using material on the handle so pathetic that it melts if you breathe on it having eaten a strong mint is just silly. Come on, we've all left the utensil in the pan with the handle resting on the rim while we've dived into a cupboard for some spices, haven't we? Haven't we?

Someone should teach these manufacturers a lesson for having such a silly design. Oh yes.

(Yeah, I went and melted the handle of my Aunt's slotted-turner-thing on one of her posh frying pans. The burning plastic set-off the smoke alarm. Yes, I am an idiot. The tragedy is that I'm nervously waiting for her to return so I can confess. I feel 14 again.)