Friday, August 27, 2004

But, But, But, Its Green!

Like many children, First-born is a fussy eater. Her diet consists of cheese sandwiches, processed fish, sundry potato products and fruit.

This is something that has my aunt and father wringing their hands. So in every meal (when First-born is staying over), my aunt tries to introduce something new. Maybe a tiny slice of pizza. Perhaps a single bean. Occasionaly a little piece of 'real' fish. All with a request to at least try and then leave if it doesn't appeal. Which First-born dutifully does, before pulling a face as though she's been asked to eat broken glass laced with dog poo and moving on to her cheese sandwich and apple.

Yesterday I had a telephone call from The Ex. A real 'hold the phone away from ear' type of call. How dare I try and force First-born to eat food she doesn't like. First-born is traumatised. First-born never wants to visit me again. Lawyers will be involved. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Here's the problem. When I have my daily telephone call with First-born tonight, should I ask her about it and find out what she's actually said? Or do I assume this is The Ex taking a throwaway comment like "I tried a bit of fish, but didn't like it" and using it as a big stick to hit me with. A big stick with a rusty nail.