Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Olympic Somersaults

The media coverage of the British team is something to behold. And so (with apologies to Private Eye for nicking the format) may I suggest all British newspapers print the following apology, based on their astonishing about-face of the last few days:

"An apology.
We, like the rest of the national press, may have given the impression that the British Olympic team are a bunch of wasters and no-hopers and that the money wasted on athletics would be better spent subsidising Rupert Murdoch's tax bill (shurely 'subsidising other sporting activities' - Ed.)

This could not have been further from the truth; the British team are without doubt the greatest group of golden guys and gals in the world ever and deserve our unreserved applause, congratulations and general bootlicking."

Gotta love the tabloids, eh?