Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Look! Vertibrae!

Long meeting with the lawyer this morning.

This is what is going to happen. The consent order actually comes up this week (it isn't tied to the Decree Absolute as I thought, its tied to when The Ex and I signed off on it - apparently a month ago.)

So I have options. The first option was the one I offered The Ex - I don't pay maintenance until she comes up with her side of the deal. That one was angrily rejected last week.

Option 2. The court will force her to sell the house. Because property is all about paper, there isn't a lot she can do, and the court will send in baliffs if need be. The sadist in me likes this option, but I haven't reached that plateau of nastiness to do it.

Option 3. I like this one. The amount in the consent order starts to accrue interest at judgement rate. This is about 8%. Which translates to 650 UK pounds a month. If The Ex had kept her temper, it would only have cost her 350 UK pounds a month, so there's a certain satisfaction in this...

So lawyer shall talk unto lawyer - its out of my hands. I'll be talking to The Ex tonight and will break the news then.


A couple of little things tipped me over the edge.

One was her refusing to help with transporting me to the airport this weekend because The Boyfriend's parents were visiting.

The second was a postcard from First-born from Italy. Except it didn't come from Italy, it came from England and was sent to shut First-born up who was wondering why I hadn't received her card.

Reason why?

The Ex didn't bother to send it.

Two weeks in Italy (and three days in Monte Carlo) and she couldn't find a place that sells stamps to send First-born's postcard to me.

Little things, I know, but I'm tired of it. Really tired.

Ok. I've finished whining now. Last of the Prague stuff to come later.