Monday, August 09, 2004

You Wanted What?

Dear Person Who Found This Journal While Searching For 'pilot stewardess get blowjob',

I hope you found what you were looking for.


...all of which reminds me of a happy event from my childhood. I had a huge crush on one of the BBC's female news readers. Might have been Jan Leeming.

But I digress.

There was a story years ago about a British Airways plane that had to make an emergency landing when, during a normal descent, one of the cockpit windows failed and the pilot was sucked out of the aperture. A steward managed to get hold of his legs and keep him from disappearing entirely until the co-pilot was able to land.

The image of the steward performing this act of bravery is amusing enough. But what made my day as a (very) young person was that the news reader (the fragrant Ms. Leeming, if memory serves) used the words 'cock' and 'suck' in the same sentence.

Those were simpler days. These days I'm a little more sophisticated and instead have a crush on BBC Radio 4 news reader Charlotte Green. I don't want to know what she looks like. Just tie me to a chair and have her read poetry to me.

Yes, I am trying to avoid doing work at the moment.