Wednesday, August 25, 2004

The Curse Of Labels

Tonight is a First-born night. We've been swimming. We drew pictures. We ate food that is really bad for us. And now we're watching... oh, you guessed it.

Swimming was fun. Since my last pair of swimming shorts had become so threadbare that they would have constituted an offence in certain US states I figured it was time to select some new ones.

Unsurprisingly, First-born loves clothes shopping, and did the selecting.

The new shorts looked ok on the shelf. They even looked ok when I held them in my hands. Maybe a little patterned. Perhaps the palm trees were a bit OTT, but, well - they are for swimming after all.

First-born and I stood on the poolside. She in her usual rainbow costume and me in the newly purchased shorts.

I became aware of people looking at me. A group of girls in the corner of the pool began sniggering.

"This is your fault" I muttered to First-born under my breath "You chose these shorts"

First-born didn't look at me. She simply said "I think they're laughing at that big label saying 'Medium' you left on the front of the shorts"

Thanks, kiddo.