Monday, August 16, 2004

Leeeeeving On A Jet Plane

The buck was being passed around the office at an impressive velocity. Like something The Tron Guy might attempt with frisbees before falling over and splitting his lycra.

"I can't go, I've booked tickets to see Dido with my wife"
"I can't go, I'm taking my kids to see Spiderman"
"I can't go, its my wife's birthday"

And so it went on. Until all eyes settled on me. I began to regret making public the fact that I have new freedoms since wife is now ex-wife and child has been taken away on holiday.

Me: "No, not me. I can't go. I'm busy."
She: "Doing what?"
Me: "Er, er, feeding the boss's cat while he's away. It'll starve, you know"
She: "No it won't, load up some food bowls and it'll survive for a couple of days"
Me: "Well, I can't go. I don't know the systems"
She: "Never stopped you bluffing before..."
Me: "And I've got this really itchy rash. I should really go to the clinic. I might pass it on to the client..."
She: "..."
Me: "Damn. I'm going to have to go, aren't I?"
She: "Yep. Here's your ticket."

And that is how I discovered this afternoon that I would be spending the rest of the week in a deeply ugly part of Switzerland. Lucky me.