Thursday, October 14, 2004

And The Worst Thing Is...

I have a variety of exciting pills and potions to take. Some white, some orange and some red.


But they all have one thing in common (aside from being utterly useless, apart from the little bottle that has quite a high street value) - and it is this: They all have "DON'T CONSUME ALCOHOL" in big, scary letters.

This is most unfair. My brother bought me a crate of Leffe as a housewarming gift, replete with special glasses. And all I can do is look at it.

May I make a suggestion; can the labels also describe the effect of consuming alcohol combined with the pills. For example: "May turn you green" or "Your leg will fall off" or, better still, "Will make you look big and clever." Then I can make a considered choice - do I really need that kidney?

Thank you for your attention.

Newly Single (dry for 6 days)