Sadly nothing Britney related. I attempted to lift an old washing machine (in order to replace it with the shiny new washer-drier thing) without realising that the charming wooden floor had been built over the feet of the hateful thing.
One big heeeeeeave, and there was a distressing, deposit-losing crack from the floor and a quieter, but equally significant 'ping' from my back.
"Oh dear, I shouldn't have done that" was all I had time to think before the world went sideways and sparkly.
Suffice to say "I am in". There are few things as nice as unpacking one's books; opening a box that was sealed 6 months ago. You get that wonderful old paper smell and then its like re-making an acquaintance with an old friend:
"Why, Mr Hawks! Its been a while, hasn't it? A cheeky little read? Well, I'm awfully busy... but... if you insist..."
...time to raid the furniture shop again for more impressively cheap and tacky bookcases; I've filled up three of the things already.