Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Letter To America

Dear Americans,
You have an election coming up soon, and it is really, really important that you vote.

I ask you this not because I'm supporting any particular party; from the point of view of the outside world, little is going to change no matter who wins. The majority of you will still need oil for your SUVs which, lets face it, is going to mean that aside from a few bells and whistles foreign policy isn't going to change an awful lot no matter what the candidates may say.

For what its worth, the candidate with the long face and slightly aloof persona scares me less than the candidate who always puts me in mind of a cheerful chimp. But heck, its none of my business.

No, the reason I ask you to vote is so that one or other of the candidates has a decisive victory. For the last two years, every single news programme in the UK has had a feature about the US election. I can't escape it. I have a sneaking feeling that I may know more about the issues than the majority of US voters because of this wall-to-wall coverage. And if there's another disputed result, we'll be faced with another two years of analysis and finger pointing. And I don't even live in the country.

So, please, for the sake of my sanity - vote.

Lots of love,


P.S. You're welcome to come to our election next year when little Tony Blair takes on The Prince Of Darkness. There'll be tea, biscuits and concrete barricades on the lawns of Parliament.