Friday, May 21, 2004

All Sing Along

Another proud Dad moment yesterday. First-born (like most children, and some adults) is a performer.

I blame all these reality shows.

It does mean that I get to do the proud Dad thing though. Last night the kids were doing a singing thing with each child doing their own thing. First-born was, of course, magnificent. She does have an advantage - she's very very short and looks more like a 4 year old rather than the smart 7 year old she actually is. This increases the cuteness factor. Oh, and she was the only one who had actually memorised her song.

But enough of the parental cheer-leading.

What I didn't realise is how many kids there were going to be. All doing their bit. First-born was 9th in a line of 50. So after First-born's bit was done I did a very bad thing - I used my mobile phone to call my pager, muttered "Sorry, I'm on call - patients and stuff" and snuck out. Does that make me a bad person?

The other driver for escaping was that The Ex was also there with The Boyfriend. "Why don't you come and sit with us?" she asked.

The woman really has no idea.