Saturday, May 29, 2004

Fame At Last

Well, sort of.

I caught a bit of Radio 4's News Quiz this afternoon while driving back from a first-born visit. I'm positive I heard Linda Smith quoting from the 'Hamburgers Make You Gay' entry. I guess the question is this: is she one of the 7 million people who listen to Today, or a member of the lovely elite who read this journal?

My ego prefers to think its the latter.

Other news of the day; I have the date of the Decree Nisi. Its going to be June 18th. Six weeks after that it'll be game over, and the name of this journal will start to have some meaning. Thus far I've been very well behaved. This, I hope, will not last.

The hair needs its own journal entry. I have to take time to compose myself... come back in 6 hours. I've just got in 12 pints of proper beer from the local brewery and will have to make a severe dent in it before I can do justice to The Hair.