Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Playing The Joker

Today is lovely. The sky is a vibrant shade of blue that you just don't see in the UK very often. Brids are singing and the landfill next to which I work is humming quietly to itself. Even the rats are sun-bathing.

I used to work in a company that operated a pub-joker policy. This followed the rule that there were four pub-jokers to be played a year (in the same vein as jokers in a pack of cards) The whole company had to agree when they were to be played.

So we'd head out to a summer pub on a day like today, sit in a garden, and as the second beer was going down somebody would say "Today should be a pub-joker day". Discussion would then ensue and after another beer or two, the boss would agree that we could play the pub-joker card. So long as someone else bought the next round. And with that the company would close for the afternoon and the workforce would remain in the garden, enjoying the sun and drinking cold beer.

Happy days.