Wednesday, May 12, 2004


Two things - the last entry reminded me of the foghorn-like qualities of first-born's voice. She is a tiny child, but possessed of a huge noise. And she listens. All. The. Time.

Now, I don't play the lottery. In fact, I've been known in my more candid moments to refer to it as "Paying The Moron Tax" (but that's a rant for another day.)

First-born obviously picked up this expression, and while we were walking past the usual queue at the lottery counter in the local foodstore she boomed out "Look! Aren't there a lot of people paying the Moron Tax today, Daddy?"

I like to think that first-born's comments below were payback by some higher power for the embarrassment above...

Second thing - I've just spent three hours helping my severely dyslexic cousin complete a job application form. Its the most rewarding thing I've done for ages. So if you're feeling a bit jaded; help someone out. Do a favour and ask nothing in return. A guaranteed pick-me-up thats almost, but not quite, as good as three shots of good tequila.