Monday, May 31, 2004

Ciao, Baby

First-born is off to Italy tomorrow with The Ex and The Boyfriend. She gets back on Friday, but I won't be here - I'm heading off to the Isle Of Man on Thursday for a couple of weeks of bad behaviour (with luck, I'll meet a charming girl. Clad in black leather, with an unhealthy motor-cycle fixation.)

I'm actually considering cancelling my trip. I won't see first-born for almost three weeks, and its breaking my heart.

Other news - I have sustained an impressive injury while (get this) polishing a car. You see, the ancient convertible I bought and have been restoring for the last few years for The Ex, first-born and I to tool about in as a family is now surplus to requirements (obviously.) However, I think it knows that its for sale and bit me while I cleaned it ready for prospective purchasers.

You don't realise how much you use your thumb until its out of commission.