Saturday, May 22, 2004

Silly, Silly, Silly

I almost didn't make it.

While at the airport, I was perusing the shops and realised that I had entirely failed to bring soap with me. Fortunately, there are more shops at Gatwick Airport than in the town where I live and one was bound to sell soap.

Ok, it was poncy soap, but soap nonetheless.

It was in buying the soap that I did a silly thing:

Me: "I'd like to buy this bar of soap, please"
Assistant: "Flight number?"
Me: "BA4986"
Assistant: "That doesn't sound like a valid number to me. Show me your boarding card"
Me: "For a 47 pence bar of soap?"
Assistant: "Show me your boarding card."
Me: (the mind is saying 'Show the card' but the mouth runs on): "Thats ludicrous - why do you need to see my card just for a bar of soap?"
Assistant: "Security!"

Two large chaps in uniform appeared almost instantly and marched me off to a small white room where my motives for buying soap and not showing the card wbere questioned. Followed by a search. Luckily it wasn't the sort of search for which members of the UK government would pay ladies of Soho £50.

Still caught the plane.

I love Europe. The flight was 40 minutes (in which time they threw lunch and a beer at us), and I'm in a whole different country. Different languages, different currency and damn fine beer.

Yes. I am a little tipsy. A litre or so of 'triple' beer will do that.