Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Yay Lawyers! Part 2

I can't believe I've used the above phrase twice in one lifetime, but there you go.

Maybe the breed is undeserving of their collective reputation.

Let me recap - the Ex and The Boyfriend consulted their lawyer today. I met them this evening to discuss the result. They'd inexplicably dragged first-born along (the poor kid was also present at the lawyer's office. This is significant...)


Me: "How did it go?"
She (sulkily): "'k"
Me: "Any changes we need to make?"
She: "Nothing much - lucky for you we're sticking with the deal. The lawyer thought we should go for more but I said not."

At this point first-born looked up from the drawing she was doing, looked the Ex in the eye and, in the embarrassingly clear voice children tend to use in public situations, broadcast: "No, thats not what happened. The lady said that you were lucky to get off this lightly and to stop wasting her time, Mummy"

So. Yay Lawyers! And Yay First-born!