Thursday, September 02, 2004

Osteopath 1 Overweight English Bloke 0

She: "Mmmm, yes you are very tense, aren't you?"
Me: "Um" (well, wouldn't you be a little on the taut side if you were lying on a bench in the near-altogether, while a woman you'd only met 5 minutes before stood above you, cracking her knuckles ominously?)
She: "Now, just relax, this won't hurt a bit... breathe out..."


She: "Get down off ceiling and stop being such a baby"

Apparently I have managed to inflame some vertebrae. I must admit, vertebrae are not the first things that spring to mind with the words "inflamed with desire" - I assumed the phrase referred to, er, other bits - but there you go. A day without learning something new is, in this case, a day without a sadist twisting your back into odd positions.