Monday, September 06, 2004


Note to self: going out of an evening with the boss is a bad idea. The man is an ex-rugby player and has consumed more alcohol than you can possibly imagine. Attempting to match him, drink-for-drink, in some misguided macho competition is a doubly bad idea.


I awoke with the too-much-beer sore throat (caused by the invevitable snoring that comes of over-consumption of said drink) and pondered First-born's comments on snoring the previous morning. The Ex, it seems, snores. Ok - I knew that already. You don't live with someone for 14 years without noticing this sort of thing. I know her favourite perfume, the types of flowers she likes, how to tell her that the outfit she's wearing doesn't suit her, and so on. Rebuilding that kind of encyclopaedic knowledge with someone else is one of the downsides of my situation.

But I digress. The Ex's snoring:

FB: "Yes, it keeps me awake at night"
Me: "You can hear it from your room?"
FB: "No, when she's had too much wine she gets all sad and brings me into bed with her"
Me: "Ah..."

Now, what am I to do about this? Sleeping with one's child is one thing. Sleeping with one's child and one's new Boyfriend is a little different. And sleeping with one's child and one's new Boyfriend while drunk out of one's head is something else entirely.

I don't want to create another 'food trauma' type incident, but I'm a tad uncomfortable about the whole thing.