Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The Sun Sets

The view from a camera perched on top of my car about 5 minutes ago.

The sun's setting earlier. The days are getting shorter. Which means there's a better chance of seeing the sunrise and sunset. Silver lining/cloud; make up your own phrase.

Today was hugely, hugely exciting. I shall get onto that later, once I've spoken with The Father and The Aunt.

First I have to deal with another telephone call. I love this job. Yes, its the American. Probably something to do with the spelling of 'colour' or 'night' or a requirement for instructions on the proper use of toilet paper.

Some may have got the impression from previous posts that I'm somewhat down on Americans. Nothing could be further from the truth; if First-born came to me in 10 years time and said in an excited squeak: "Father, I have met a lovely American and want to marry him", I would embrace the child and weep tears of pure joy. I would also begin looking forward to free holidays in the US.

When did I get so cynical?

But America does seem to have a very vocal lunatic fringe. We don't have that in the UK; our nutters tend to end up in the House Of Lords, or are packed off to Scotland. Occasionally both.

I can only hope that my personal bette noir blows his head off while cleaning the assault rifles that he can now purchase from his local gun shop.

A man can dream, ok?

I also have to confess that part of my general antipathy to this chap is that when I returned from call-out last night, First-born had gone to bed. And then refused to talk to me in the morning. I'd broken a promise, you see...