Saturday, June 19, 2004

Hateful Things

What is the biggest blocker on the pursuit of a debauched and hedonistic lifestyle?

Is it money? Nah... you don't need a lot of cash to behave really badly
Is it The Ex? Nope. Well, not after July 31 anyway (and, to be honest, I'm not going to wait *that* long)
Is it the Law? Noooo, I'd never do anything illegal. Well, not unless I was fairly sure of getting away with it. And if not, and the policewoman was pretty, well...

So what is it?

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to Dr Mobile and Mr Pager. The two most evil and and despicable devices on earth (unless one counts the Disney animatronic puppets running the US and UK at the moment.)

While I'm on call, these babies rule my life. I may not consume alcohol (because I might have to drive a car.) I may not be more than 30 minutes from the office (in case I can't solve the problem with my laptop and magic red card.) And either could go off at anytime during a 24 hour period. And frequently do. 'On Call' is one week on/one week off.

Today was a bad day. I had stuff planned with First-born - we were to go shopping for clothes for our trip, have lunch out, go for a swim, maybe see a film and so on. The gruesome twosome had other ideas.

In the end we managed just the swimming, and I hate myself for it.

However... Call-Out is paying for my jacuzzi. Its like a Faustian pact.