Sunday, June 20, 2004

More From The Record Collection

Today's random CD from The Big Cardboard Box was by Sheryl Crow.

It had a track on it called "Every Day Is A Winding Road". A person crueller than I might suggest "Every Song Has A Whining Note" as a worthy substitute, but I'm deviating again.

Its got the following lyrics:

"I hitched a ride with a vending machine repair man
He says he's been down this road more than twice
He was high on intellectualism
I've never been there but the brochure looks nice"

Now, tell me, do you reckon that Ms. Crow (or whoever wrote those lyrics) jumped up and did a little dance at their own cleverness after writing that last line? Call it 'The Clever Jig'. I do it when I've assembled something from IKEA, and it doesn't fall apart when I stand it up. Instructions are optional. Superglue is not.

Last comment on that album - I really like the track "A Change".