Thursday, June 10, 2004

Secrets And Lies

A phone conversation with The Ex:

Me: "So you don't want me to tell The Boyfriend about what?"
She: "Event A, B, and C. I don't think he needs to know about them."
Me: "Uh, you know I don't think that's a healthy way to start a relationship"

(damn, wrong thing to say - cue 10 minutes of listening to a rant about relationships ending with the line: "And THATS why this is all YOUR fault")

Me: "So its Event A, B and C, right?"
She: "Yes, I don't think he'd be very understanding. So don't mention them, ok?"
Me: "Ok" (sotto voice) "Heh heh heh..."

Roll on July 31st, I say.

(the A, B and C substitutes have been used to protect the innocent. Well, first-born, because she sometimes reads this over my shoulder)