Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Todays Post Is Brought To You By The Letters T E And A, And The Number 9

T.E.A. stands for Traditional English Ale. It comes fresh from the brewery in containers of 3, 9 and 15 pints. The Uncle was round tonight (it was his birthday. I gave him a socket set to replace the one he discovered he'd lost at the weekend while attempting to remove a particularly recalcitrant nut from his MG. Funny how tools tend to do that.)

And we drank his beer. We might as well have stuck straws in the container.

And ate a home-made balti.

The two are making some distressing noises at the moment, but I have a pint of water at the ready along with two aspirin which should see me through the night in the absence of a leather-clad biker chick.

Yeah. I really need to get some sleep...