Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Vengeful? Moi?

Raspberry has posted a quiz that tickled my fancy the other day -
Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You?

I came up as 'Wrath/Anger' replete with a photo of butch men with their shirts off, all looking a bit grumpy.

'Lust' returns a much better picture.

Anyhow this probably explains why, after dropping First-born, The Ex and The Boyfriend off at the airport (amicability, remember?) I sat in the car and cackled evilly to myself.

The weather was terrible. Huge crosswinds. Torrential rain. Thick cloud.

The Ex is terrified of flying.


(For those concerned about First-born - don't be. She loves turbulence and thinks its like a rollercoaster.)